As Golden Knights, we are kind, noble, and inspire others to succeed. Golden Knights are generous, honest, and work together as a team to be supportive of our collective and individual efforts to reach our full potential.


Being kind at John Caldwell School involves showing a gentle nature towards each other and our environment. It means that Golden Knights are considerate, compassionate, and purposefully bring happiness into the school community. Kind Knights go out of their way to show kindness by being thoughtful, respectful, and polite. We do this by doing simple acts to improve each other’s day.


Being noble at John Caldwell School involves preserving the integrity of the school community and choosing to do the right thing even when no one is watching. Students who are noble show this through charity, courage, and loyalty. As noble Knights we set high expectations for ourselves, take responsibility for our own actions, and are role models for others.


Being inspiring at John Caldwell School means that we are committed to being our best self regardless of what difficulties we face. We consistently choose to do our best work and live by the Knights’ Code. We celebrate each other’s strengths and successes. Golden Knights are optimistic and encourage others to be the best they can be.


Being generous at John Caldwell School is sharing your time, being helpful, and always including others in work and play. Generous Knights go above what is expected because it is the right thing to do, not for reward. Generosity happens inside the school, at home, and in the community.


Being honest at John Caldwell School means that we tell the truth at all times. We are trustworthy and responsible for our actions, words, and ideas. Golden Knights respect others, their feelings, and their property.


Being part of the John Caldwell School team is like being part of a big family. As a team each person has an important role to play. Golden Knights work together towards common goals, encouraging and supporting each other in order to reach our full potential.


Being supportive at John Caldwell School means that we accept everyone. We can show that we are supportive by trying to understand the needs of others through listening, caring, sharing, helping, and respecting differences. Supportive Knights encourage others to dream, to achieve, and to believe.

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